Kaushal Bazaar provides a direct link from B to B, B to C, D to C and vice-versa. it is a unique platform to trade,sell,purchase and exchange your goods and services securely over the only place for skilled products and services.

What is Kaushal Bazaar?
Kaushal Bazaar is a platform that is an integrated E-commerce platform interlinked with Kaushal Ganga for the small scale skilled Entrepreneurs for creating a sustainable livelihood for themselves.This unique platform is arranged with HSN Code,Industrial Products,GST compliance and MSME registration.
How does Kaushal Bazaar work?
The system is based on the concept of D to C( Direct to Consumer) and B to C (Business to consumer) which ultimately strengthens and links the small entrepreneurs with the ultimate consumers. It aims at mobilizing the small scale entrepreneurs, and provides them counselling for availing the govt. benefits under various schemes and support them with business expansion by Brand Building, Marketing and other advanced options provided.
How to Register?
Any Skilled Entrepreneur can register on the platform with his/her skilled KYC. For unskilled entrepreneurs platform facilitates to acquire required skilled expertise.
Benefits of Kaushal Bazaar -
Kaushal Bazaar provides direct links to the customer and business aggregators on one hand and facilitates to avail government support schemes with financial and technical assistance on the other hand.
Opportunities For Skill Product and Services
How does Kaushal Bazaar Help to Secure Livelihood ?
How can Kaushal Bazaar help your business?
India is a resourceful country with a youth population that needs proper guidance and skill. With the Kaushal Bazaar platform the skilled manpower of the country can start with their own small-scale businesses to earn a sustainable livelihood and can transform themselves from job seekers to job givers. The start-up platform is equipped with financial inclusions giving the person an opportunity to avail of the financial assistance to start their self-employment. The person need not go to various departments/authorities for availing the government benefits such as MSME, Start-Up India, GST verification, Income Tax Verification, Bank Accounts, and credit facilities. All the government-funded schemes or benefits can be availed from a single platform with a click of a button.
Further, the system provides them with business expansion opportunities by supporting them with the marketing of their products, Brand Building and mobilizing. The system interlinks the local community with the global market.