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Seller Help

You can add products to your local storefront by following these steps: Click the Products you want to register as a seller, then click Add Products. Add your product details (product name, brand, industry, category, subcategory, image, description, etc.) and click Submit.

Images can be uploaded through the ‘Add Photo’ option in the Manage Products Section. Guidelines to add Images: Medium size images must be used in the aspect ratio in the range of (1200×1500). The product must cover at least 60-70% of the entire image area (use white background) You have to go product list page then click for edit under action section. Then at the bottom of the page you will find the edit image section.

Sign in as a seller and click Products in the left sidebar. Then click on the product list. Here you will find the Edit button for editing the product.

There is no option to remove the product, but it may be inactive and invisible to users.

To check new order , you have to login as seller. Then you can find the new order box at dashboard

You must be registered as a seller to see pending orders. Then you will see a pending orders box on your dashboard. Click it to view the product status on the product list page.

Yes, you can also add a service by clicking Services in the left sidebar and then click on add service. You can add it to this page that opens after clicking.

On the service list page, you can disable or enable services by clicking the toggle button under Actions.

To change profile 1. Login as a seller 2. Under Company Profile, click "company profile". 3.Enter your details and click on update button.

To get the request for quote list, follow these steps: 1. Log in as a merchant. 2. In the left sidebar, click Request a Quote, and then click Quote List. Here is the full offer list.

To answer a product enquiry 1. Log in as a seller. 2. Click Product Requests in the left scroll bar. 3. Click "Enquiry list".

To find the Website Enquiry 1. Login as seller 2. In left sidebar you will find "Website Enquiry" tab click on it 3. Click on enquiry list Here you can find

To Change your password on seller panel: 1. Register as a Seller at 2. From your dashboard, click the Change Password tag on the left sidebar. You can change your password here.

Yes, we do offer In your seller there is a tab with a web page. Underneath that is "My Website". Click it and you'll see a free template that represents your website.